BBC1 Picks Up New Studio Ramsay Gameshow Format
Studio Ramsay today announced it has signed a deal with the BBC to produce its first ever Prime Time game show, Bank Balance. Gordon will be stepping up to his first ever role as a game show host.
Bank Balance is a high-stakes, high-pressure, game show where contestants need both knowledge and nerves to succeed, where they can literally build themselves a fortune or see it come crashing down in an instant!
After a few weeks of intense negotiations that saw multiple channels and networks both in the UK and internationally, pitching to be the first broadcaster of this exciting game of greed V strategy, STUDIO RAMSAY is delighted to partner with the BBC on
this new format.
The programme idea devised by Studio Ramsay’s, Fernando De Jesus, Tom Day, Sam Smaïl and Bronson Payne and Executive Produced by Gordon Ramsay and Chief Creative Officer Lisa Edwards.
Bank Balance has been commissioned by Kate Phillips, BBC Controller of Entertainment Commissioning and Jo Wallace is the Executive Producer for the BBC.
Gordon said: “This is going to be truly epic. It is such an intense game with so much jeopardy to win big and lose even bigger, where the difference between failure and success is always in the balance. I’m so happy to be working with the fantastic team at the BBC and cannot wait to get in the studio and start stacking those gold bars!
Filming will begin later this year.